How to Set Unity Camera to Scene View or Field of View

Ryan Barone
April 01, 2023

So you want to modify the camera in your game to get the view you want? Let's get into it! 

Scene View

To set the camera to scene view in Unity, zoom and move until you're looking at your game from the angle you want. Click "Main Camera" in the Hierarchy and then select GameObject > Align with View. Test your game to see how it matches your Scene view!

scene view unity.jpeg

Field of View

To achieve the right field of view, select your "Main Camera" and then zoom and rotate the camera in the scene, keeping an eye on the white dots outlining a square (this represents the field of view, and the field of view controls the width of the camera's view angle). The field of view is also a component in the Inspector. It's measured in degrees along the Y-axis (A higher Field of View can display more of the view).

For instance, with the Main Camera selected, move the "Field of View" slider in the Inspector to the left and right. Watch how the Camera Preview window changes!

adjust view unity.jpg

To summarize, adjust the camera view manually or by aligning with the scene. The field of view determines how much a camera can see and Projection determines whether perspective is enabled or not. Knowing how to manipulate the camera is important because it's the view players will see in the game!

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