Loading 2024_iDTech.log...

December 11, 2024

> INITIALIZING iD Tech: 2024 in Review
> ACCESSING memory banks...
> COMPILING data...
> RENDERING results…

Welcome to iD Tech: 2024 in review! You've just accessed our annual system log, a digital time capsule of 2024's most epic achievements and innovations. This isn't just any log file—it's a high-resolution playback of the skills unlocked, friendships forged, and breakthroughs achieved by our iD Tech campers. From debugging challenges to pies in the face, we're about to deep dive into the data that defined our year.

> LOADING user_achievements.dat
> ANALYZING impact_metrics.json
> CALCULATING awesomeness_factor.py
> EXECUTE 2024_recap.exe

[SYSTEM LOG]: The magic of camp

> ACCESSING camp_magic.sys
> PROCESSING camper_data.csv
> GENERATING achievement_report.html

In 2024, we didn’t just spark curiosity—we inspired 45,000 campers to transform their imagination into reality. Campers created everything from intricate Minecraft worlds to powerful bots to battle in the arena. This is our chance to make a not-so-humble brag about these impressive year-end totals! Our servers logged:

  • Campers inspired: 45,000
  • Campuses explored: 73 
  • Roblox obbys created: 3,098
  • Minecraft servers built: 2,500
  • BattleBots® built: 4,962
  • 3D projects printed: 688
  • Games designed: 6,074
  • Lines of Python coded: 205,950

NOTE: These metrics have exceeded our previous benchmarks, so prepare for a system-wide celebration!

> EXECUTE pride.exe
> DISPLAY achievement_fireworks.gif


[SYSTEM LOG]: Top 5 camp courses

> INITIALIZING course_analytics.exe
> SORTING popularity_index.dat
> GENERATING top_courses_report.log

While all of our camp courses returned positive feedback, our algorithms detected clear frontrunners. Based on engagement metrics, learning outcomes, and fun factor calculations, we present the top 5 courses of 2024:

  1. BattleBots® Camp
    1. Engagement score: 98%
    2. Skills unlocked: critical thinking, problem-solving, perseverance
  2. Game Design and Development 101 with Unreal Engine
    1. Creativity index: 9.5/10
    2. Projects completed: [2024 number from previous section]
  3. Roblox Camp
    1. Problem-solving coefficient: 0.95
    2. Collaborative challenges conquered: [2024 number from previous section]
  4. Java Coding: Build Mods with Minecraft
    1. Innovation quotient: 92%
    2. Patents pending: 50,000 (just kidding!)
  5. VR Game Design with Unity and Meta Quest
    1. Fun factor: OVERFLOW ERROR (Too much fun to quantify!)
    2. Mind = blown: TRUE

NOTE: These courses consistently triggered our 'Eureka!' sensors and maxed out our enthusiasm meters. Prepare for an influx of future tech leaders!

> EXECUTE cheers.wav
> DISPLAY applause.gif

[SYSTEM LOG]: 65 inspiring campuses

> INITIALIZING campus_network_scan.exe
> MAPPING geolocation_data.json
> COMPILING campus_experience_metrics.csv

From Stanford to NYU to UCLA to MIT and more, each of our 65 inspiring locations empowered campers to bring their ideas to life. With stunning facilities, access to cutting-edge technology, and an electric learning environment, these campuses were home to an unforgettable summer. And they were not only the backdrop for hands-on learning, each campus allowed campers to experience a real-life college environment—exploring the iconic grounds, connecting with like-minded peers, and seeing firsthand what their future could look like. Our servers logged:


  • Processing power: cutting-edge
  • Next-gen labs: exceed operational standards
  • Innovation bandwidth: unlimited


  • Learning atmosphere: electric
  • Inspiration levels: off the charts
  • Future visualization: crystal clear


  • Real-world college simulation: 100% immersive
  • Peer connectivity: seamlessly established
  • Future pathway rendering: high-definition


  • Ideas brought to life: OVERFLOW ERROR (Too many to quantify!)
  • Unforgettable moments created: OVERFLOW ERROR (Too many to quantify!)
  • Mind-expanding explorations: OVERFLOW ERROR (Too many to quantify!)

CONCLUSION: These 65 locations weren't just data centers for learning—they were launchpads for future success. Each campus successfully executed the 'inspire_next_gen.py' program, resulting in exponential growth in camper potential.

> EXECUTE inspire_next_gen.py
> DISPLAY mind_blown.gif

pratt gif.gif

[SYSTEM LOG]: Online learning done right

> INITIALIZING virtual_learning_analysis.exe
> CONNECTING to global_education_network.io
> PROCESSING online_course_data.bin

Our virtual courses reached new heights in 2024, delivering the ultimate learning experience for kids and teens worldwide. With live, interactive sessions led by our elite instructors, campers tackled the hottest topics like AI, game design, and cybersecurity from the comfort of home! With 1-on-1 mentorship and terrific teamwork, each session is more than a class—it’s the space for kids and teens to express their creativity, push innovation, and see how much they can accomplish! Our servers logged:

  • Countries around the world: 63
  • Hours of live, virtual learning: 191,933
  • Elite instructors: 266
  • Trending tech topics: 54
  • Exclusive, partner-powered online courses: 4

CONCLUSION: Our virtual learning has transformed ordinary sessions into extraordinary learning opportunities. Each one carries the potential to ignite inspiration for the next generation!

> EXECUTE mind_expansion.exe
> DISPLAY virtual_high_five.gif

[SYSTEM LOG]: Life-changing impact

> INITIALIZING equity_initiative.exe
> ACCESSING scholarship_database.sql
> CALCULATING impact_metrics.py

At iD Tech, we pride ourselves on our commitment to creating equitable opportunities through life-changing scholarships. With access to world-class tech education, kids and teens from underrepresented communities are able to discover the power of STEM and develop the skills and confidence to pursue their dreams. These scholarships don’t just open doors to learning, they empower students to envision so many more possibilities for their future. Our servers logged:

  • Scholarship experiences: 2,304 
  • Scholars from underrepresented communities: 91%
  • Scholars now planning to attend college: 95%
  • Scholars’ interest in studying STEM in college increased: 87%

CONCLUSION: Our equity algorithm is successfully compiling opportunities and debugging societal barriers. These scholarships are one of the main functions in our mission to bridge the digital divide.

> EXECUTE heart_warming.mp4
> DISPLAY standing_ovation.gif

TL;DR (Too Long Didn’t Read)

The iD Tech community has successfully executed "epic_year_2024.py."  With 45,000 kids and teens across 65 campuses, campers built robots, crafted 3D designs, coded games, and created unique digital worlds. Online, our students leveled up in 135 countries through engaging learning with elite instructors. Our 3,800 scholarships made a life-changing impact, bringing STEM education to students who might not otherwise have access. All systems are go for an even more impressive 2025!

> EXECUTE epic_year_2024.py
> DISPLAY victory_fanfare.gif

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Sign up for our emails to learn more about why iD Tech is #1 in STEM education! Be the first to hear about new courses, locations, programs, and partnerships–plus receive exclusive promotions! Online camps, Roblox coding classes, coding summer courses, and more. 

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Meet iD Tech!

Sign up for our emails to learn more about why iD Tech is #1 in STEM education! Be the first to hear about new courses, locations, programs, and partnerships–plus receive exclusive promotions! Online camps, Roblox coding classes, coding summer courses, and more. 

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Meet iD Tech!

Sign up for our emails to learn more about why iD Tech is #1 in STEM education! Be the first to hear about new courses, locations, programs, and partnerships–plus receive exclusive promotions! Online camps, Roblox coding classes, coding summer courses, and more. 

By signing up you agree to our Privacy policy
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Meet iD Tech!

Sign up for our emails to learn more about why iD Tech is #1 in STEM education! Be the first to hear about new courses, locations, programs, and partnerships–plus receive exclusive promotions! Online camps, Roblox coding classes, coding summer courses, and more. 

By signing up you agree to our Privacy policy